The property fraud threat and how to protect yourself
Many landlords are not protected against fraudulent tenant activity, including the growing threat of title fraud, a digital crime that can result in property being stolen. Here’s what you need to know:
The property fraud threat
Your properties need protection from sub-letting or being used for unauthorised purposes such as setting up companies from the rental address. Landlords also face the threat of title fraud, a digital crime that can result in property being stolen.
How title fraud happens
Property ownership details, including name, address and mortgage status, are accessible on an open government register. A fraudster can use these to target your property by cloning identity documents and then selling or mortgaging your home.
The impact on landlords
Fraudulent activities on your unprotected portfolio can lead to loss of income, complications with mortgage lenders, protracted legal disputes and even the prospect of losing a property to title fraud.
Get Smart Property Protection
Title Guardian monitors thousands of digital sources for signs of suspicious activity relating to an owner’s identity and property details. We instantly notify you of suspicious activity, so you’re assured to be ahead of threats.
Simple security
With an easy sign-up and subscription-based service, managed online or through our app, protecting your portfolio is simple. Alerts of suspicious activity come straight through to you via text, email and app notification.
Next-gen development
Soon, landlords will be able to filter unsuitable tenants and report rent received to major credit agencies with Rent iQ. Plus, Tenant Checker will identify tenants with previous possession hearings and CCJ judgements.